Let's Live On


It was a Sunday winter day and I went to the graveyard with my son as usual. You must have been wondering why I went to the graveyard everyday. I went there because my husband died two years ago. He had lung cancer. Though it was hard for me to accept his death because I was only 23 back then but I gradually get over it because I have to take care of my child. I was married to him when I was 18 and just finished my high school. I didn't get the chance to attend college. Well, you know my parents believe that girls don't have to read much because their only job is to do household works. A girl should remain a housewife and serve their "Pati Parmeshwar" and children for the rest of their life. I gave birth to my son one year after my marriage. He is now five years. I found a job as a supervisor in the local library and it paid well which is enough for me and my son to live on.

As I walked towards the grave holding my son's hand firmly by my left hand and my right hand carried a bouquet of red tulips. As people says that they are a sign of true love. Heh...well I actually don't love him because he was a total stranger for me and before I could know him better he left me and our child behind. I kind of hate him now. 

I put the flowers in front of the gravestone and sat down there closing my eyes. 

I opened my eyes as my son was calling me. I asked him what happened. He pointed towards a person who was sobbing in front of a grave. I bid goodbye to my husband and went to that person. 

I saw that it was written in the gravestone that "Here lies the body of Julia D'Souza wife of Chris D'Souza. Born 15th December 1997 - Died 15th December 2022." Oh well she was so young.

The man didn't noticed that me and my son were standing behind him. I spoke first, "Stop crying. The dead won't come back alive."

He looked at me and said, "Who are you? Can't you mind your own business?"

He said rudely. I didn't mind it because when people are in despair they feel hopeless which cause them behave strangely. 

I further said, "Well I was minding my business and was going to leave but my son want me to console you."

He remained silent and continued his crying. I sighed and chuckled at his behaviour. 

He turned around and asked, "Why are you laughing?"

"Nothing I just found it similar." 

He raised his eyebrows giving me a questionable look.

I smiled and asked, "You must have had a love marriage right?"

He said, "No it was an arranged marriage but I love her. She became my everything."

"When he died two years ago I cried like you because at that time I started to love him. He was a total stranger to me yet I hand my life to him. When he died I realised that the dead won't come back even if I cry a river or plead to god and I actually didn't handed my life to him. I handed my freedom to him. Yes people do need someone in their life whom they could cherish, protect and love. But loving yourself gives a different kind of satisfaction. Ok leave it aside, the truth is she is not coming back to you. Her life has ended but not yours. Your life will go on. So live on. Moving on from the past will give you the opportunity to be able to do the best. Living on with the past will give you only sorrow, despair etc. Move on with the happy memories of her. Her soul would happy too."

I sighed and further said, "Ok I have talked a lot. Sorry for consuming your time. But yeah mark my words. Goodbye."

I said and was leaving with my son when he called me.

"Excuse me..."

I turned around.

He said, "Thank you so much."

I smiled and my son waved at him smiling brightly.


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